Collin is still as wonderful as ever and works so hard for our family. As much as I miss him, I'm glad he loves what he does and so that makes it a little easier to wave goodbye for two days at a time. I love watching Jorgan's face when her Daddy walks through the door! She squeels and runs right up to give him a big love and she doesn't even like sharing him with me!
Jorgan is getting so big! It seems like the last month she has really gone from a baby to a little girl. It makes me sad (but not sad enough to want another one just yet! :D)... She jabbers constantly and there are some real words thrown in here or there. She says "Hi" "Mom" "Dad" "Babba" "Bampa" (Grandpa) "Pappa" "Dance" (She usually ways this one as she's waiving her arms around and running in a circle, I guess that what dancing passes for these days... :D It is so cute!) Lately, she's been saying "Oh no!" and "Oh my gosh!" I guess I say that alot... guess I'll have to watch what I say from now on! :) She also has an obsession with shoes lately. She will try anyones shoes on that will let her. She usually walks over to someone and points and grunts until they give in and she gets to try one their shoes. If they are in a pile on the ground, forget it. They are fair game and she will wear them until you chase her down and retrieve them. She does really good at matching the shoes. She always seems to know which shoes go together... she really is pretty smart. Takes after her mother. :) hee hee. I've started watching one of my friends little boys that is a few months younger than she is. It is really good for her to learn to share (work in progress) and be "soft" (another work in progress) and play with another kiddo. She's doing pretty good. She is so much fun and such a sweetheart! Her Daddy and I love her so stinkin' much!
Hopefully I'll get better at blogging when things calm down a little bit. Just thought I would let everyone know that we're still alive and haven't fallen off the face of the earth. :)
could that girl look anymore like you hannah! holy moses!
Good luck with coaching, and good luck with teaching sharing and softness. :)
she is seriously so cute! We are so excited to have her in nursery.....she was hugging Amelia like crazy the other day it was so sweet. Sounds like life is super busy for you these days and yet you still look awesome and put together!
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